Lift Up Your Eyes and Your Voice

John 4:34 and Luke 10:2

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

West Bengal

I just found out today that there was a bombing in West Bengal yesterday 300 miles north of Calcutta. This hits close to home as I spent some time in Calcutta and surrounding areas this summer. Seeing the spiritual conditions there makes it very saddening to hear that the 6 people who died were mostly likely not believers. There were 50 injured, 28 of them are seriously injured. It wouldn't surprise me if several of those 28 end up dying as well. These people were simply civilians, nobody "special" according to society, and killed by their own people, a liberation group trying to get what they want. While this was a physical act, I don't doubt that the enemy is at work in it as well. Please, please join in prayer for the people in West Bengal. There is Kingdom work going on there and it is among some of the most unreached areas in India. Pray for the believers to seek guidance from the One who has the ultimate victory as to how to fight this physically and spiritually. Pray for the families of those who died. My heart is so broken and I'm not even sure of specific prayer requests to ask of you, but please seek the Lord and intercede for West Bengal. If I hear anything more or think of some more specific requests, I will post an update. Be blessed Warriors.

Serving the King of all kings...


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