Lift Up Your Eyes and Your Voice

John 4:34 and Luke 10:2

Friday, June 23, 2006

Random Thoughts from India

I'm sorry for the lack of posting! The internet situation is pretty crazy. Things take a lot longer when you're in India. We finally have one computer hooked up, but the connection will sometimes come and go.

Now that I'm done with my excuses, let me share a little with y'all! I've been here for 7 days now and while it doesn't feel like we've done much, I feel like I've learned quite a bit already. I'm beginning to learn the streets a little so that makes it more fun. J, R, and I can go "out on the town" and not get too lost! Haha We are supposed to have a language lesson sometime soon. We have also begun learning the geography of India. I think I'm going to know that better than the USA. Pretty sad, I know!

Cool things:
  • The workers at Pizza Hut will dance for you if a large group of westerners come in! So fun!
  • I finally found a couple of punjabi suits and a few shirts that I can wear with the pants I brought!
  • I think monkeys are the coolest things and I've been able to see a couple roaming the streets!
  • We were set loose with the intention to share Jesus on the streets of Delhi and watched God totally orchestrate our paths, conversation, etc. We didn't know that we were doing the right thing while we were in the midst of it, but when we started reflecting afterward, we could definitely see God's hand in it all!
  • Delhi has an underground metro train type thing! I totally didn't expect that.
  • As I said earlier, we're beginning to learn our way around Delhi
  • We saw fireworks and heard what sounded like high school band music from far away. C and L told us it was a wedding and we wanted to see, so we walked to it and the guard at the gate insisted on us going inside. We were totally not dressed for a wedding (sweating, dirty pants, baggy shirts), but they were excited to see white people there so they insisted on us going in. We didn't stay long because we felt really out of place and if we had stayed much longer, somebody from the family would have found us and taken us to the very front to sit in seats of honor.
  • "Life Together" by Bonhoeffer is a really good book! I think I'm actually gonna finish it! haha

Prayer Requests:

  • We saw The DaVinci Code tonight. I'm not sure what my thoughts about it are yet, but I will let you know when they come...if I can. The saddest part was listening to all the Indians around us saying "oooh" when pieces of "truth" were stated. This will be a very good conversation piece in sharing the Good News with people here. They are very much into the DaVinci Code. Pray for the hearts of the people as they are already blinded by thousands of years of false teaching. Pray that we can be bold, bright examples of what a follower of Jesus really looks like.
  • Spiritual strongholds - 1 Cor 4.4 *Correction* 2 Cor 4.4 has come more alive to me since I've been here than ever before.
  • Unity for our team - We are really beginning to open up as we hang out and talk more in depth.
  • Guidance for C and L as they work out details for our time here. That we would get good deals. Prices are bumped up a lot because we are westerners.

More updates will come as we do more and when we know specific dates of travel. As soon as the internet works properly and I can use my computer, I'll get some pictures on here! It's 2:30 am...I'm gonna get ready for bed now!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the prayers! You are instrumental in the work going on here!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Safe and Sound (and lots of it)

Horns are constantly being blown here. It's their way of communicating on the road. There are so many different kinds too!

Well, I'm here in India! There hasn't been too much that's gone on just yet. We don't have internet at the apartment where I'm staying, so I'm just at an internet cafe. I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures yet either because we haven't been on the streets too much. We should tomorrow though. Soon I will get you more of an update and prayerfully some pictures!

I was very excited to finally meet the team and I think it's gonna be a good summer!

I have a few funny stories (well they were funny to me at least), but I'm running out of time. It'll have to wait. Or if you're signed up for my email list then you heard them already.

Please keep praying! It is SO important!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just a test

I thought I'd share my goofy picture with all you, so I could figure out how to post pictures on this thing!

The $50 pawn shop guitar I'm taking to India! Not a bad deal if you ask me!

Alright, well I guess since I know what I'm doing on here now, I have no excuses to not keep y'all updated with pictures and such! I look forward to it!

I leave tomorrow afternoon! It's been a crazy road, but I'm ready to go! Well...almost, I need to go pack now!

Thank you my friends!

Monday, June 12, 2006

And I stand in awe of You

Well, I guess I'm actually sitting right now...I'm not much for technicalities.

I'm writing to you from an amazing blessing (a laptop) that was given to me yesterday by one of the adult SS classes from FBC Beaumont. Their giving hearts have blown me away.

I just wanted to give y'all an update of the power of my Father above. He has provided me with all the money I need, a case for the guitar I bought to take with me, this laptop, a digital camera, and great friends and family that are giving me much encouragment and prayer. I am so undeserving and yet my Dad is so abundant in His grace and mercy.

I leave in just 3 days!


  • "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by J.C." ~Phil 4.19

Prayer Requests:

  • spiritual preparation
  • that all the loose ends will get tied
  • unity for my team as we have yet to meet
  • My teammates that are already in India

I think that's all for now. Thank you once again for joining me! I look forward to reporting back to you...probably from India! Hope your buckled in cause I have a feeling we're in for quite a ride!

"Seek first His Kngdom and His righteousness and all things things will be given you." ~Matt 6.33

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Welcome and Thank You

For taking the time to read my blog. I'm about to begin a journey to the other side of the world. My hope is that, if you're reading this blog, you would like to journey with me! Next Thursday, June 15, I will head out to India where I will spend the next 9 weeks. I'm very excited and beginning to get a little nervous. I hope to keep this blog updated with stories, pictures, praises, and requests for prayer! It will be a great encouragement to hear from all who read and journey with me, so please post away with your comments! One thing I do want to ask is that you would use sensitive language in regards to spiritual things. It will help keep our team and the long term mssnaries safe. Just use the letter "m" if ever referring to that term. That is the main thing I am concerned with. I don't currently have any protection on the comments, but if they aren't controlled I will have to. This is why my profile is somewhat vague as well.

Well...that was kind of a boring first post, but it had to be done! I look forward to sharing more exciting things in the near future!

My first prayer requests would be:
  • sprtual preparation
  • a love for the people of India that is deeper than anything I am capable of giving
  • unity for our team of 7
  • time management (I have a LOT to do in just 9 days!)