Lift Up Your Eyes and Your Voice

John 4:34 and Luke 10:2

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Stayin' Alive...

Staying alive...oh oh oh oh stayin aliiiiiiiiiive. :)

It's nice to be back here in the blogger world! I don't have much time, but I wanted to let you know I was still around. Something was wrong with my website and I didn't get a chance to access it before leaving Delhi.

A short update...we spent the last week in Calcutta pr walking the streets, working in the Mother Theresa homes, and visiting some religious places. Today we arrived in Varanasi and we'll be here for a couple days. We'll be back in Delhi August 2nd and I will only have a little over 2 weeks left. Crazy!

Hopefully, I'll be able to give more of an update once I return to Delhi. I apologize that this blogspot hasn't turned out like I had in mind before I left.

Blessings to you all. Your prayers are so needed and so appreciated. Please keep us in your prayers as we visit some more religious places here in Varanasi and travel back to Delhi (about a 13 hour train ride).

In His Grace and Strength...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Oh how I wish...

...I could get pictures on this thing to show all of you! I decided that I'm going to stop apologizing and trying to give dates or hopes that you'll see pictures soon. Things are just too crazy over here. Just when you think something might doesn't! Any time our team is wondering about something here, whether it's what something will look like or taste like or how it will work...we say...imagine something (give a vivid description)...and then say, it'll probably be nothing like that! :) It keeps things interesting!

Here are some more random thoughts

J and I got stuck in the mud. The suction was so strong we couldn't pull our feet out plus we were laughing so hard we couldn't move much to try to get out. We did get out though...obviously or I wouldn't be updating this site!

Indian hamburger patties are not exactly what you are thinking!

7 Americans in an Indian village or small town is not an every day occurrence. I now know how zoo animals feel!

I've seen some of the greatest smiles ever here!

We rode horses in the foothills of the Himilayan Mountains...well...most of us rode horses....R's horse looked more like a donkey. I also fully understand the urgency of the statement "I have to pee like a racehorse!" We were all stopped looking at some rocks on top of the mountain that look like a camel and C's horse made a river...I had to move my horse so I wouldn't get splashed! Haha!

When you're told that it's time to leave. Expect to sit back down for more tea. (I am really craving a glass of ice cold, sweet tea right now)

A bus going up a mountain is a scary thing. It's kind of like a roller coaster. I thought a couple times that we were riding on two wheels around a corner. There's not a whole lot of space on the roads winding up the mountain...a bus is big...think of having two passing each other at 20 mph...or more. Not much room for error! Needless to say...there are very good drivers here!

On a more serious note, Dad is teaching me so much. I have met some really incredible people who have really challenged me. It's just not possible to travel overseas and not be stretched tremendously! Sometimes, you have to experience some not so fun things; such as eating something you're not comfortable with or staying somewhere that's not as comfortable as you're used to, in order that you can experience the incredible things with the people; such as hearing their stories, getting stuck in the mud together, pr-ing over someone for healing, sharing smiles, seeing a group in a village lifting up the Name of the Father in their own language with songs that can't be found anywhere else and doing it with such sincerity. It's rough but great to have my picture of Dad shattered so that I can see more of who He really is!

That's about all I have time for now. Thanks for your patience, your comments and your thoughts! They are so encouraging!

Til next time...