Lift Up Your Eyes and Your Voice

John 4:34 and Luke 10:2

Friday, February 02, 2007


I've heard plenty of stories of Believers being persecuted, beaten, and thrown in jail, but it's always been stories of people I've never known. As most of you probably know (if you don't, I'm sorry), I spent the last summer in India. I met some really incredible people there who I can't name, but their initials are Y and M. They have a 12 yr old son who I'll call C. My hands are shaking with nervousness. Basically, Y and M have been encountering some persecution for the last couple years, but it has escaladed in the last couple of weeks faster than I've been able to respond or get an email out for prayer. Wait...back ground...Y and M train church planters in India. They are involved with some projects that are very high security. We got to be a part of one of those while I was in India. It was amazing. The Lord is moving in powerful ways and is using them tremendously. They have a training center where they bring these church planters in. It was such a blessing to meet them, get to know them and their son, and work with them. He's a great kid. Okay, now that you know who they are, here's what happened. There were some outrageous charges placed against them, that would not stand as legitimate here in the States but because this is India and it's a spiritual battle, these charges actually hold threatening ground. They have been given money by believers here in the States to take their case to the higher court where they have a better chance of being posted bail so they don't have to go to prison. They will be going to court on Feb 4, which is tomorrow night (Feb 3rd) for us. I got another email today with quotes from M saying how grateful they are for the financial and prayer support they are receiving and then at the bottom it had another urgent request. As the email was being written, a call was received saying that Y and a large group of Christians were meeting and a group of RSS (radical militant Hindus) surrounded them and beat up some of the of them being Y. This almost doesn't seem real because it's hitting so close to home. Y, M, and C were some of my favorite people that I met there in India. Y was able to get away (and is possibly back home now), while others were detained, but his computer was confiscated which has plans on it for future projects that are very high security. So his computer is in the hands of the RSS with information that is not even allowed to be reported to anyone. They are asking for prayer that God would erase any files on there needed to protect these projects and the people involved. Please pray for the people that have pressed these charges, that God would soften their hearts and that they would understand the truth Y and M have shared with them. Pray for the judges in the low and high courts as they handle this case. Y and M are very shaken and tired and little C is feeling the stress as well. He pleads with his mom to be there to pick him up after school and not be in jail.

I apologize if all this is very vague and scattered, but attempting to add all the details would create a novel. I wish I wasn't at work so I could fall on my face and cry and pray and whatever else, but I can't just yet and Y, M, and C need a large army fighting with them.

Please pray. Please pray. Please Pray. I'll give an update as soon as I get one. Please also pass this on to anyone that is a prayer warrior! Thank you and I know Y and M thank you from the bottom of their hearts as well.

Friday, December 01, 2006

India and China

I have a couple things on my heart today. My friends who are serving in India informed me that 2 Indian young people, who I believe were followers of Jesus, that they discipled several years ago along with a handful of other kids, were murdered just before thanksgiving. It was a brother and sister and they were killed by an older brother of theirs. Basically, the older brother wanted his sister to marry a specific hindu man and she stood up for herself, and possibly her faith, that she would not marry him, so her brother stabbed her. Her other brother then also stood up for her and the older brother stabbed him too. My friends Alan and Anne are really struggling with this. They were close to these two. They are having feelings of anger, sadness, bitterness. Please be in prayer for them. Pray that they would know how to use this opportunity to reach others affected. Pray for the older brother who killed them, that somehow God would reveal Himself to him. Pray for the other friends and any family that is still alive.

I'm sorry if this is too much for one post, but I also received another email today and felt I should share it with you. People are dying without Christ and people are dying for their faith. There's intense spiritual warfare overseas and our brothers and sisters and those who don't know Christ need us to fight for them! This stuff is real. So is prayer. So is our God who hears and responds to our prayer. Please take the time to read this and then let's get on our knees together and intercede for the families, the work going on in China, as well as the Chinese government. Thank you

30 November 2006

(This Press Release may be circulated freely)

Xu Shuangfu
(courtesy of the China Aid Association)


When we sent out our email two days ago with news of the martyrdom of brother Bashir Ahmed Tantray in India , we never imagined we would be following it up with this announcement.

The San Ban Puren, or ‘Three Grades of Servants’ church, was established by Xu Shuangfu and is believed to number between 500,000 and one million adherents nationwide. Having devoted his life to evangelism at the age of 12, Xu was arrested on numerous occasions and spent three years in prison on six different occasions ­ a combined 18 years behind bars for his faith.

The Chinese government outlawed the ‘Three Grades of Servant’ organization in the 1990s, labelling it an ‘evil cult’. Publications such as Tianfeng, the official mouthpiece of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, then published articles exposing the supposed heresies and wicked practices of the group. These were translated into English and some well-meaning Western Christian journalists joined the chorus of disapproval, denouncing the group as a cult deserving of punishment because they were dangerous law-breakers. None of these journalists travelled to China to independently verify the information coming from the Three-Self Church . It is a dangerous foundation to base a judgement solely upon information provided by the TSPM who are an organ of the Chinese Communist Party ­ avowed atheists and the persecutors of millions of Christians since they took power in China . Because of this controversy, many Christian ministries have avoided making mention of the Three Grades of Servants or the brutal persecution they have endured the past three years.

In Chinese-church circles today much confusion exists regarding the classification of cults. Many of the house churches in China have been labelled ‘evil cults’ by the Communist government simply because of their refusal to register with the authorities. These include almost all the large house church networks based in Henan and Anhui provinces. To complicate matters, some of the groups the government has labelled ‘evil cults’ are, in fact, cults and sects that deny the essential doctrines of Biblical Christianity. By classifying a church group as a cult, the government deceitfully opens up the way for Christians to be prosecuted for breaking the law, rather than directly for religious reasons. Western governments and human rights organizations are therefore largely silenced in their outcry against incidents of persecution, as often when they ask about a certain pastor who has been arrested they are told he was arrested because he broke the law, and not because of his faith. This subtle manoeuvre has resulted in much confusion within the Chinese Church and outside China , as believers disagree on which groups really are cults, and which are genuine followers of Christ who have been targeted by a hostile government bent on their destruction. The San Ban Puren, or ‘Three Grades of Servants’ church, is one such group.

In 2003 the group’s founder, Xu Shuangfu, spoke with some senior house church leaders from other groups who wanted to confront him over the reported heretical beliefs and practices of his group. Xu came to the meeting with booklets and video tapes detailing what the Three Grades of Servants teach and practice. The house church leaders examined the evidence and questioned Xu at great length, concluding that his beliefs to be quite orthodox. Xu said to the house church leaders, “If my church is in error and really a cult, then please come and rebuke us and show us the error of our ways so we can repent! Please be brothers to us in this way. If you do not point out our errors, how can we ever change and walk with Jesus like you?”

These words do not sound like those of a typical cult leader!

On April 17, 2004, Xu Shuangfu was kidnapped by armed men as he made his way from the airport to the city of Harbin , Heilongjiang Province . Two days later Xu’s goddaughter was contacted by the kidnappers, and was told to pay three million Yuan (approximately US $365,000) for his release. They told her if she didn’t pay the money within 24 hours they would “kill the old man.” She went to the police station for help, only to be treated like a criminal and interrogated for several hours. It became apparent that the police had no interest in solving the case, and only let her go when she indicated she needed to leave to gather the ransom money. Later information made it clear that the Public Security Bureau had been the kidnappers all along. In the following weeks a widespread crackdown was launched in a bid to demolish the Three Grades of Servants. More than 90 leaders were arrested, most of them enduring horrible torture. Fifty believers were arrested during a meeting in Harbin on April 26. Relatives and family members of those arrested were themselves detained when they went to the authorities asking for information.

After being held for more than two years, the Three Grades of Servants leaders Xu Shuangfu, Li Maoxing, and Wang Jun were found guilty of involvement in the murders of 20 cult members and were sentenced to death in June 2006. Three more, Zhang Min, Zhu Lixin, and Ben Zhongjia were given two-year suspended death sentences. Eleven more Christians received between three to 15-year prison sentences. The police claimed Xu Shuangfu had admitted involvement in the crimes, but Xu’s lawyers claimed he had been so brutally tortured while in custody that he had signed a confession under extreme duress in order to save his life. According to a report from the China Aid Association, “Xu described to the court that in order to get false confessions, the interrogators tied his fingers, toes and genitals with wire and then connected the wire with electricity. Mr. Li Maoxing showed his wounded fingers to the court and said that the torture experts used a new way of torture called Pi Long Pao (means put-up-dragon-robe) by making him hang in the air with a very thick blanket and then electrifying him after he got extremely wet…. Mr. Xu was described as ‘calm and peaceful’ by his daughter Ms. Xu Baiyin. ‘My father told the court he was very sad after hearing the murdering activities today and he said murdering is evil and forbidden by God. In his final remark he urged everyone in the court to believe in Jesus otherwise they will one day face eternal judgments in heaven. He also urged his children to continue to follow Christ without fear.”

Today, the China Aid Association reported that the three leaders, Xu, Li, and Wang, had been secretly executed last week in Heilongjiang Province . The first anyone knew about it was on November 28 when Li Maoxing’s wife was asked to collect her husband’s ashes at the court as soon as possible. Neither the families or the attorneys of the three martyrs were informed of the execution in advance.

* Please pray for the families of the three martyrs. Ask God to strengthen and comfort them.
* Pray that the fire of the Gospel will continue to burn brightly throughout China , so that even the leaders and corrupt judges and authorities might repent and find faith in Jesus Christ.
* Pray believers inside and outside China will have wisdom to discern which groups are cults, and which are just accused of being cults by the government.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

West Bengal

I just found out today that there was a bombing in West Bengal yesterday 300 miles north of Calcutta. This hits close to home as I spent some time in Calcutta and surrounding areas this summer. Seeing the spiritual conditions there makes it very saddening to hear that the 6 people who died were mostly likely not believers. There were 50 injured, 28 of them are seriously injured. It wouldn't surprise me if several of those 28 end up dying as well. These people were simply civilians, nobody "special" according to society, and killed by their own people, a liberation group trying to get what they want. While this was a physical act, I don't doubt that the enemy is at work in it as well. Please, please join in prayer for the people in West Bengal. There is Kingdom work going on there and it is among some of the most unreached areas in India. Pray for the believers to seek guidance from the One who has the ultimate victory as to how to fight this physically and spiritually. Pray for the families of those who died. My heart is so broken and I'm not even sure of specific prayer requests to ask of you, but please seek the Lord and intercede for West Bengal. If I hear anything more or think of some more specific requests, I will post an update. Be blessed Warriors.

Serving the King of all kings...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

International Day of Prayer

Today was the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. I have been waiting for this day to get here so I could post some prayer requests. Somehow the dates this weekend and the dates for the Day of prayer didn't connect. I'm really bummed that I missed it. I know that you and I can still pray for the persecuted church, but I really wanted to be a part of a massive prayer with believers around the world. Anyhow, I'm not going to NOT pray, and I wanted to challenge and encourage you to pray as well. I got this email from some missionary friends of mine. I hope that you will take some time to pray for Uncle Z, as well as other believers who are imprisoned, killed, tortured and other things we can't even begin to imagine. Here is just a little bit of information about Uncle Z to maybe help you pray.

"Uncle Z was one of the leaders we hosted in Egypt during meetings with Arab Christians about the Chinese vision in the spring of 2004. Z is the one who Anne chased up Mt. Sinai to ask him to walk another way. He was so happy to be at the mountain that he began to run straight up a slippery slope (with his business shoes on) instead of taking the path people took. He was also the one who carried a tie up to the top so he could put it on in honor of God. He was determined to hear God speak.

Uncle Z, as almost all of the Chinese sisters and brothers who came with us to the Middle East, had struggled and spent many years in prison. We recently received this email: 'On December 1, 2004 Uncle Z was arrested. Since then, we have all prayed for him many times and talked and wondered what could be done. On June 29 of this year, Uncle Z was sentenced to 7 ½ years in prison. It appears that all diplomatic channels that the USA could use to ask for his release are now closed.'”

They then asked for some specific ways to take some action for Uncle Z. Writing letters, getting your church/sunday school classes to commit to pray. If you feel led to be a part of this, let me know and I'll get you more information.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thanks for waiting :)

My apologies for disappearing for a little while. I'll be honest and tell you that I've been struggling a bit spiritually. I have been distracted and not very consistent in praying for these needs myself. I didn't feel that I could type up this information and prayer requests, asking people to pray, when I myself was not praying. The Lord is working on me and I'm ready to fight again. I pray that you've continued praying for the lost in this world and that you'll rejoin me now with some new requests. Again, I'd love to read your comments about how God is working in you as you pray for the lost of this world, personal requests, or answers to prayer. It's nice to know you're not fighting alone. That's why I ask/encourage you to comment. Thank you for even stopping by and taking the time to lift up the nations to Christ. Be blessed my friends. Don't forget to put on the armor (Ephesians 6)!

North Korea
There is a big struggle econonmically with provisions for the military in the attempts to become a nuclear power. There has also been a severe famine for a while and it does not look to be ending soon. (Do you think some of that could be spiritual?)

~The majority (64.31%) in North Korea are non-religious. Traditioal ethnic religion is next in line with 16%. Christianity is last on the list with only 1.69% of the population
~"All religions have been harshly repressed. Many thousands of Christians have been murdered since the Korean War - in 1953 there were about 300,000 Christians, reduced to a few thousand today."

Challenges for Prayer
~Idol worship
~The persecution of the church/Boldness, strength, safety for the believers there. As I was praying for this today, I was convicted of my prayers. I was praying that believers would be bold and not run, but remain in the strength of the Lord; and then it hit how simply and easily I pray that prayer while I'm here in America and went to church this morning with no threat of being caught and killed. Please as you pray for this request, really ask the Lord to show you how exactly to pray. That we would understand His heart and the believers in North Korea would truly be encouraged.
~Because of the repression of religion, the majority has never heard the name of Jesus.
~Means of witness are pretty limited right now. South Korean Christians have been praying and preparing, waiting for the land to be open to the gospel, so pray that this will happen very soon! Korea is very open to business men and they are able to get into the country very easily. There could be some very strategic moves for believers in this way. Some Non-Government Organizations have had the opporunity to run an aggricultural training program through an independent church!

God is working in ways in North Korea that are beyond our comprehension. Intercede with me for the people in this country. Pray that the light of the gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ would shine on them and pierce the lies that the gods of this age have blinded them with. (2 Cor. 4:4)

All information and quotes came from Operation World.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Coming Soon

I will hopefully get a new prayer request posted soon.

I was sorry to see that no one gave any names of people they feel God has placed in their life to share with. I know that doesn't mean nobody is sharing, it's just encouraging to see God moving and know that others are praying with you. I'm thankful that I can rest in the hope that the Lord moves in ways we dont' always see and that He is faithful always.

Be blessed and I'll be back soon with another request for the nations.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Bad Weather

I'm sorry to add something on top of the recent prayer requests so quickly, but we're having some really bad weather today causing lots of flooding on the freeways. There have been 4 deaths (a mother and daughter, and 56 yr old man drowned in their flooded cars, 1 other was killed in a 2 car accident due to the weather) just this morning. Please keep these families in your prayers. The University of Houston was closed this morning, so I didn't come in to work until around 12:30. The rain is starting to come down again. Thankfully, most of the flooding from this morning has receded, but there are areas that still have very high water. Please pray for the safety of all those returning from work later this afternoon...myself included. Thanks and be blessed.